PhD. Gábor Marschalkó (2016.03.01. - 2016.09.30.)
Supervisor: Emese Forgács-Dajka

Abstract: To study the light variations of eclipsing binaries one need to create an ensemble of model light curves. Hence these models contain numerous parameters solving these problem needs significant computing resources, so the parallelization seems quite obvious. During this project we would like to parallelize our code to an extent, temporarily determining the orbits via Kepler equation using Newton-Raphson method and the surface light intensity without feedback (e.g light reflexion) effects.


János Sztakovics (2016.03.01. - 2016.08.31.)
Supervisors: Emese Forgács-Dajka, Tamás Borkovits

Abstract: About 50 % of stars are part of binary, or multiple systems. Investigations of components of these systems allows us to determine some physical parameters of them. By observing eclipsing binaries we can calculate these parameters in more details besides others. Analyzing and modelling lightcurves of eclipsing binaries are important to get clearer picture of the individual systems (components, orbits, etc.). To define eccentricities and arguments of periastron we should measure the duration of eclipses, and the relative position of secondary minimum due to the primary minimum in phase. I would like to process the huge amount of data of the space missions with fast and precise algorithms. The goal is to further develop the single-thread program to C and CUDA languages to measure th...


Tamás Hajdu (2016.03.01. - 2016.08.31.)
Supervisors: Emese Forgács-Dajka, Tamás Borkovits

Abstract: More than the half of the stars around us are part of a binary or multiple system, therefore their observation and examination plays a mayor role in developements of star formation and stellar evolution models. Thanks for today's accurate photometric measurements, so many effects can be detected based on eclipse timing variation. Such as light-travel-time effect, apsidial motion and dynamical effect. During my work I will use Kepler and K2 databases. To determine the time of each eclipse I will use Monte-Carlo- and Bootstrap-method. By these methods I will get much more accurate O-C data than before. I will use a parallel programing architecture, which is based on my previous C code, to reduce the running time. The results will be screened to collect those which indicate the presence...


László Ábel Somlai (2016.04.01 - 2016.07.01)
Supervisor: Mátyás Vasúth

Publication: The effect of the cosmological constant on a quadrupole signal in the linearized approximation

Abstract: In the year 2015, the first observation of gravitational wave (GW150914) was detected by the LIGO-Virgo group. Its waveform emanating from the inward spiral and merger of a pair of black holes matched the predictions of general relativity. The continuous development of the detectors give the opportunity for detecting more subtle effects, of which one is the cosmological constant. It seems reasonable to determine the effect of it for the known waveforms in order to extend the number of the searched parameters.


János Endre Maróti (2016.04.01 - 2016.07.01)
Supervisor: Mátyás Vasúth

abstract: We can detect gravitational waves by binary systems only before the collision. The development of the detectors give opportunity of more subtle detections. Based on these binary systems' signal and these detectors' signal-to-noise ratio we can determine the binary systems' parameters that we can detect at a specific time before the collision.


Balázs Kacskovics (2016.04.01 - 2016.07.01)
Supervisor: Mátyás Vasúth

Abstract: The supermassive binary black hole system OJ 287 gives a unique possibility to examine gravitational effects to high accuracy. The quasiperiodic light variations of this object have been observed for more than one century. Based on the times of these outbursts the orbital elements and other parameters of the system were determined to high accuracy. Using recent assumptions on the spins of the components we study the effects of spin contributions to the orbit up to 3.5 PostNewtonian order.