Investigation of the K2 Mission's Star System's Eclipse Mean Times

Tamás Hajdu (2016.03.01. - 2016.08.31.)
Supervisors: Emese Forgács-Dajka, Tamás Borkovits

Abstract: More than the half of the stars around us are part of a binary or multiple system, therefore their observation and examination plays a mayor role in developements of star formation and stellar evolution models. Thanks for today's accurate photometric measurements, so many effects can be detected based on eclipse timing variation. Such as light-travel-time effect, apsidial motion and dynamical effect. During my work I will use Kepler and K2 databases. To determine the time of each eclipse I will use Monte-Carlo- and Bootstrap-method. By these methods I will get much more accurate O-C data than before. I will use a parallel programing architecture, which is based on my previous C code, to reduce the running time. The results will be screened to collect those which indicate the presence of a third body. By fitting the O-C curves of these candidates the orbital parameters can be determined.

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