Highly optimized quantum circuits synthesized via data-flow engines

Péter Rakyta (ELTE, Wigner RCP), Gregory Morse (ELTE), Jakab Nádori (ELTE), Oskar Mencer (Maxeler Technologies), Zoltán Zimborás (Wigner RCP) (2022.05.01 - 2022.12.31)

Grant: NKFIH 2020-2.1.1-ED-2021-00179

Publication: Highly optimized quantum circuits synthesized via data-flow engines

Abstract: The formulation of quantum programs in terms of the fewest number of gate operations is crucial to retrieve meaningful results from the noisy quantum processors accessible these days. In this work we demonstrate a use case for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based data-flow engines (DFEs) to scale up optimization based quantum compilers to synthesize circuits up to 9-qubit programs. The developed DFE quantum computer simulator was designed to simulate arbitrary quantum circuit consisting of single qubit rotations and controlled two-qubit gates on FPGA chips. In our benchmark with the QISKIT package, the depth of the circuits produced by the SQUANDER package (with the DFE accelerator support) were less by 97% on average, while the fidelity of the circuits was still close to unity by an error of ∼ 10−4. I

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