ALICE Budapest TCP GEM QA-A Centre - GPU accelerated image analysis

Márton Vargyas (2016.09.01-2018.08.31)

git: TPCQA, HVsoft doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.06.084 arxiv: 1805.03234

Abstract: The task of the Budapest Advanced Quality Assurance (QA-A) Centre is to test and classify the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) foils, which would be an integral part of the upgrade of ALICE's Time Projection Chamber (TPC) detector. To classify the foils we use the known correlation between their hole size and electrical properties. We take high definition images of the foils in a clean room equipped with an X-Y-Z robot and telecentric lens (images of the foil's two sides can take up to 50GB), then we recognize these holes with a GPU-accelerated software, which identifies every hole. Then we decide the fate of the foil, either it would be built into the detector allowing continous readout, making it a 3D camera or we return it to the manufacturer.

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